Had the commencement notice sent in months ago, and it says that you have to wait 14 days after sending it in but commence before 28 days have elapsed. I rang the council and they were ok to go with the notice that i had previously sent in.
Finally got it all started on site on saturday morning, i arrived there at half 8 to meet the land owners engineer together we measured and marked out the site. Put two pegs down to give us the overall size of the triangle. After we had the site marked i went about putting up warning signs up and down the road.
Machine driver was due at nine o clock, so we had a few people hanging around for the big moment, people from either side of the two familys, we waited and waited made a phone call or two!!!!, and waited a little longer... nothing people were getting very cold at this stage as there is a fair chill in the sea breeze at this time of year!
Eventually at half 11, we heard the sound of the machine making its way down the road. Our first job was to pull in and flatten the front ditch, to take the bend out of the road we will be loosing about 15feet of land the whole way along here in order to achieve sightlines of 80m either side; this was a condition of planning that we have been asked to meet and submit pictures of before commencing with any other works.
We are just glad to have it all started he is coming back again wednesday, thursday and friday and hopefully we will be pouring concrete on Saturday!
I will be posting picture of the progress tomorrow.