Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Removal of Bend/Progress

The bend that has to be removed, our entrance will be up the passage on the left and about 30ft up, we will have to close the current gap in the site. We have to grade the current ditch from where the cone is level with the road to about 15feet into the site to open up the bend and allow road users and ourselves a better view of the road. Will be putting up the post and rail fencing there too. I have contacted the ESB to relocate the pole they are due out today to look at it.
Progress at the moment our man in the JCB has left us down he was due to be back on site yesterday cannot come now until Saturday! I guess that is the start of it!

Budget Tracker Update

Have updated the tracker item 11, it is now printable also as an A3 print out.


Window Pricing

As a follow on to my post:- (Pricing the build: Materials & Windows) I Have put a file up on my google pages site of the returned tender prices from window suppliers.
http://jollyman2.googlepages.com/home item 12.
So how do you decide on which company to go for, do you think with your pocket and go with the €11k price or do you think with the designer fashion label mindset and go for the €66k windows (they must be great) You must also bear in the back of your mind that if you are using a mortgage for the likes of these that you are paying 5% intrest over the term of your mortgage on everything you buy.
You have to ask people what there experiences were with different suppliers, and were they happy with the quality they got and after sales service. Also with part L of the building regs now you have to be aware of the U value and quality of glass. With all these in mind you can try and make an educated decision on which option to choose. And remember the cheapest is not always the best!

Monday, November 19, 2007

Site Enclosure/ Fencing

It was part of the contract in the sale of the land to provide a stock proof fencing to the east side of the site where the site still bounds on to the farmers land, and it was part of the planning on the southern side where the road frontage is that we are not allowed build a wall, we must provide post and rail fencing in order to fullfil the planning conditions. The area engineer was of the opionion that if we built a wall it would not allow us sufficent view in exiting onto the main road, the post and rail would allow us to see through around the bend and eliminate the danger.
I have priced several companies for the supply, and the supply and erect of the post & rail. We decided to go with the 3 rail, 5X3 posts treated the supply costs i was getting for these were from €7.50 to €9.25/m and the supply and erect costs were ranging from €14.30 to €21.50.
I decided to go wit my local http://www.frsnetwork.com/ for the supply and erection of the fence as i thought at €7.50/m to supply it would be too much work and someting i would not be good at to erect it myself, supply and erect price from FRS Waterford €14.30/m

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Commencement of Work

Had the commencement notice sent in months ago, and it says that you have to wait 14 days after sending it in but commence before 28 days have elapsed. I rang the council and they were ok to go with the notice that i had previously sent in.
Finally got it all started on site on saturday morning, i arrived there at half 8 to meet the land owners engineer together we measured and marked out the site. Put two pegs down to give us the overall size of the triangle. After we had the site marked i went about putting up warning signs up and down the road.
Machine driver was due at nine o clock, so we had a few people hanging around for the big moment, people from either side of the two familys, we waited and waited made a phone call or two!!!!, and waited a little longer... nothing people were getting very cold at this stage as there is a fair chill in the sea breeze at this time of year!
Eventually at half 11, we heard the sound of the machine making its way down the road. Our first job was to pull in and flatten the front ditch, to take the bend out of the road we will be loosing about 15feet of land the whole way along here in order to achieve sightlines of 80m either side; this was a condition of planning that we have been asked to meet and submit pictures of before commencing with any other works.
We are just glad to have it all started he is coming back again wednesday, thursday and friday and hopefully we will be pouring concrete on Saturday!
I will be posting picture of the progress tomorrow.

Friday, November 09, 2007

Upstairs looking out Pic

Cant link it up but have it loaded to the google pages link, looks well take a look:-


Thursday, November 08, 2007

Final Site Sign Off

Got the calll from my solicitor yesterday, to go down and sign the cheque. Left work early was deligthted to finally have things moving again, land owner also signed deeds yesterday so hopefully we will be the new owners of 1.2 acre site with great sea views by Monday!

Tuesday, November 06, 2007


Has been two weeks now since i last spoke to the land owner when he informed me that the deeds were to be signed, have still seen nothing at this stage. Its driving us mad my solicitor has the money ready to go. Rang my solicitor yesterday to tell him to try and get a push on with the whole process.

Tried ringing my solicitor yesterday no luck again!! Rang the land owner last night he has told me that he has still not signed it, going to do it today. So people be warned this whole process can be very lengthy and drawnout.

Thursday, November 01, 2007

Self Build Home and renovate this weekend

Going to head to this in millstreet tomorrow, see if i can get bargins and some good quotes. Will bring a couple of copies of my plans and my notebook!

Check out the link looks like there will be plenty exhibitors there. Got my tickets online for free.

Will post on the show on Monday! Have a stag to go to this weekend probably (hopefully) my last weekend free for a long time!!!

Oh well never made it got held at work until two on Friday, had a flight booked for half three to Galway. Will aim to try and make the next one in Belfast. Where is the commitment!!!!!