Monday, October 05, 2009

Furry visitors/Funeral...

Well as far as i can tell the lads are all dead and gone... noise free nights for the past week, put down poision in the attic and traps... removed three dead mice, found another so full in the dogs nut bag that he could not move ;) poor devil, no poision has been eaten in the last week either.
So went blocking and sealing all holes around waste pipes into the house with spray foam and mortar,hopefully the house is now vermen proof.
Also we seemed to have lots of spiders appearing were coming in around the pipes of the rads, sealed up all those holes the weekend too, some massively crazy spiders, the wolf spider, hopefully this solves all the problems, the other half has now purchased two gadgets... i dunno if they work or not, but the few flies that were in the house lost all ability to fly after about 5 hours... concidence???