Wednesday, September 09, 2009

Landscaping progress

As a follow up to my earlier post where we had prices got from landscapers to do the work, we had agreed with the guy doing it for €2,200 as he was a friend of herself, i had presumed that weedkilling was part of his price when i met him recently he told me he wanted €150 extra for each weed kill he had done, €450 and his price was gone up from €2,200 to €2,500, making it €2,950 in total. Even though the €450 for weedkilling was completely outrageous i paid him and told him to get lost if he thought he was getting more work.
With the way the weather has been lately it was very hard to get any work done, so last weekend i got the tracks machine in and we levelled the whole garden, i raised the level of the septic tank and the AJ box for the percolation, and the lawn is now drying out ready to be rotavated before the end of this week weather permitting.We are tackling the lawn ourselves now, so ill keep an eye on cost and see how it compares to "our friendly" landscaper. Herselfs uncle is going to rotavate it and then we are going to have a stone picking party and my uncle is going to spread the seeds and roll it for us.

Link to a great irish gardening website that i have been using, very helpful there.


Claire31 said...

I've no landscaping done and at prices like that I'd rather do it myself!! Is the house on road into Ardmore - very nice, passed it recently.

Jollyman said...

Yea Claire, thats the house about a mile and a half in on the way to ardmore on the left hand side! The prices are crazy particulary with the way it is after the tracks machine all needs is to be rotavated pick stones and set the seed. The seed is costing €75 per 25kg need 3 bags of that, apart from that the only other cost is hiring a roller and thats €32 for the weekend, i guess the free labour is helpful though!