Friday, January 11, 2008

Irelands Weather

I dont think that we have had such a sustained period of rain as this in a long time trust it to happen when we are pouring foundations! Called into the site last night on the way home with my flash lamp, can actually drive into the site again for the first time have a couple of loads of 6" stone down and this is covered with a 2" down it is grand for driving on.

One half of the house foundations is currently under water at the sitting room end. The tracks machine driver was there yesterday tidying up the site and spreading stone, think we need another load or two to get as far as the garage to allow us to pour it and get blocks started there too. He cleared an area for the sand and tided up the rooms inside and shook a bit of stone around them so we can lay the blocks in there for getting it up to subfloor level.

1 week look ahead
Order and get sand delivered (price around)
Order and get 4" blocks delivered
Order and get delivered radon barrier, cement, plasticiser, kingspan 100mm insulation, radon sumps and 4" pipe
Get plumber on board for services
Get blocklayer (the father) organised and on site for wednesday
Waterford farm relief organised for tuesday afternoon/Wednesday morning to fence the site boundary.


Anonymous said...

any pitcures of the foundations? i spouse saturday now when u get a bit of day light. what type of fence did u opt for in the end? u should plant hedge under them asap and in a few years waa boom something to keep the dog in and the neigbours nosing out. oh ya and jollyman whats this about pricing around for sand i presume thats code for loading the boot at the nearby beach. 2 things that should never be paid for in ireland sand and water.

Jollyman said...

Saturday now, ill take a few. Not sure if its going to be too pretty but sher the blocklayers are good enough to make up the levels!

Ya using an 8ft post and rail imported pressure treated 6"x3" post 5"x2 1/2" rail €15/metere cash.Looking to buy some silver and copper birch for the hedge maybe 4 years old and keep them trimmed would make a nice hedge. Plant early February and get the first years growth into them.

Unfortunately sand from a beach is no good for building because of the sulphate content in it, so it will have to be ordered at around €16 a tonne. The water will be free alright.

Anonymous said...

Hi Jollyman....found your blog by could not pay enough money for the info you have posted...thanks very much...we are starting a self build in county wexford in 3 weeks time...commencement notice went in today...will keep you posted on developments...

Jollyman said...

Best of luck with it madmadra, hope it all goes well for you. Glad that this info is of help to you.
Im curious as to where you found this by accident?

Anonymous said...

Hi Jollyman. Good blog, do you know of similar blogs. I plan to start a selfbuild within two to six months.
I'm very interested in the subfloor part of the build. At this stage how advanced have the services to be planned? Do you have a detailed layout of the services or will the plumber know what is required. Do you have to know the exact location of radiators, plumbed appliances, showers etc. Information on how you plan to do this would be very helpfiull.

Jollyman said...

Hi john,

It depends on what type of floor you will be putting down, we are only puting in a subfloor for now and finihed floor in three rooms that have underfloor heating. So from that point of view we only need to accomodate for the underfloor heating and any waste disposal from these rooms. We have the underfloor in all the tiled rooms kitchen and bathrooms so we will have to allow for the waste from toilets and showers and supply to sinks washing machines etc.

If you are going with a finished floor you will have to know where your radiator's will be located and put them under the concrete or alternatively you can leave a 4x2timber around your walls so you have no concrete there and run your service pipes after that.

The plumber is usually the best man to talk to regaring location, you can also go to your local heatmerchants they will size it for you if you tell them you will be buying materials from them.