Monday, January 28, 2008

Weekends Progress-On going work

On Saturday morning i went out for my first days blockwork on the house in order to help the father along i finished off all the internal walls about 300 blocks i was wrecked after it. This morning the two blocklayers are on site i have a tracks machine spreading stone filling bases and digging foundations for the garage and in his spare time he is filling a tractor and dump trailer which is drawing the stone and going away with some of the subsoil that is on site, and coming back again with more stone. This groundworks is really taking up a lot of money at this stage, ordered the insulation and radon barrier for the floor slab today. The budget is creeping up.!!!!


Anonymous said...

Great blog - am following with interest as we are getting a house built at the moment.

Jollyman said...

Thanks for the encouragement Steve best of luck with your build.