Monday, May 28, 2007

The Start of the Journey

Way back in April 2006, myself and my girlfriend set out to look at purchasing a site in her hometown. We viewed several in the area ranging in price from €80k - €120k, none of the initial sites really suited what we were looking for.
Eventually the auctioner rang one evening with the perfect site for us and we decided to go with it and put the deposit down on the 28th April 2006.
Our next job was to get in touch with a solicitor to handle the transaction and to look over the contracts.
Once we had the deposit down we set about coming up with designs which we liked, they came from the usual sources magazines internet sites and houses that we have always admired in the past.
I work with a construction company so the engineer at work decide to help us with the drawings (he deserves a lot of thanks for his hard work and patience) We held an initial pre planning meeting with the council; which we were dreading as we taught they would knock our design straight away, as it is an known area for being hard to recieve planning permission.
At the pre planning the area engineer gave us the go ahead with the design which we were very surprised with.

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